Dear Reader,
Here is the sixth installment of my ongoing series of free e-books based on essays that have appeared either here at Figs in Winter or at one of my previous blogs.
This new collection features eight essays covering the full span of the famous Peloponnesian War that pitted Athens against Sparta and that eventually paved the way for the conquest of Greece by Alexander the Great.
My version is based on the famous History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides, and it’s an incredible story of hubris, greed, courage, and luck, featuring greater-than-life figures like Socrates and Alcibiades.
Enjoy, and remember, Philosophia longa, vita brevis!
~Massimo Pigliucci
I've never read Thucydides (not bragging--confessing), but I remember an allusion to him related to sports at the University of Chicago. The article was making the point that at U of C, athletes were still scholars first, athletes only afterwards. And it quoted the U of C football quarterback on the great value and interest of reading Thucydides on the Pelopponisian war. If i should live so long...
great idea. I hope that your e-book, Massimo, will help me finally decide to read the work of Thucydides