Dear Reader,
Here is the second installment of my new series of free e-books based on essays that have appeared either here at Figs in Winter or at one of my previous blogs.
This new collection comprises ten essays attempting to explain and make more accessible Larry Becker’s masterpiece, A New Stoicism, one of the most important books in the modern Stoicism canon, in my opinion.
I had the fortune to meet Larry before he died and interview him in preparation of my How to Be a Stoic. He was a very kind man and a brilliant mind. Later on he agreed to supervise the original publication of these essays, so that I could be confident that I was not misrepresenting his ideas.
Enjoy, and remember, Philosophia longa, vita brevis!
~Massimo Pigliucci
Thank you Massimo!
Many thanks!! I have been making my way through the book for the second time and, somewhat to my surprise, finding it less daunting than the first time around. I only wish he had provided many more "ferinstances" for the various points he makes.