The Philosophy Garden, Stoicism and beyond
Practical Wisdom
Plato on knowledge vs inspiration

Plato on knowledge vs inspiration

Practical Wisdom podcast, episode 14

“SOCRATES: And when you make a judgement about military matters, do you judge in virtue of your skill in generalship, or in virtue of the skill that makes you a good rhapsode?

ION: There’s no difference, so far as I can see.

SOCRATES: No difference? How on earth can you say that? Are you saying that the skill of a rhapsode and the skill of a general are one skill, or two?

ION: One, I think.

SOCRATES: So, anyone who’s a good rhapsode is in fact a good general too?

ION: Certainly, Socrates. …

SOCRATES: Now then, are you, as a rhapsode, the best among the Greeks?

ION: By a long chalk, Socrates.

SOCRATES: So, as a general too, are you the best among the Greeks?

ION: Have no doubt of it, Socrates; that too I learnt from the works of Homer.”

(Plato, Ion, 540e-541b)

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The Philosophy Garden, Stoicism and beyond
Practical Wisdom
Practical Wisdom is a short weekly podcast produced by Prof. Massimo Pigliucci of the City College of New York. The idea is to do a deep dive into some of the most crucial philosophical writings of a wide range of Greco-Roman authors in search of insights that may be useful for modern life. Available also on Apple, Google, and Spotify.