Happy birthday, Massimo! Within the last year or so, you remarked that it was pointless to argue about the quality of entertainment such as music or movies. As Farnsworth may put it, my background assumption is now: All I need to concern myself with is whether I liked the movie. There’s no need to convince others they should like the same movies I do.
Happy birthday, Massimo! Within the last year or so, you remarked that it was pointless to argue about the quality of entertainment such as music or movies. As Farnsworth may put it, my background assumption is now: All I need to concern myself with is whether I liked the movie. There’s no need to convince others they should like the same movies I do.
Happy birthday, Massimo! Within the last year or so, you remarked that it was pointless to argue about the quality of entertainment such as music or movies. As Farnsworth may put it, my background assumption is now: All I need to concern myself with is whether I liked the movie. There’s no need to convince others they should like the same movies I do.
Exactly right! And thanks for the birthday wishes!