In attempting to define bravery, Plato has Socrates discuss the following with Nicias: "...bravery (is) a part of goodness...there are other parts, which are known collectively as goodness...besides bravery, the list includes self-control, fairness and other similar qualities.

...we asked what bravery is as a whole. And so now, it seems, on your own admission, bravery is knowledge not only of what is fearful and what is encouraging, but according to the way you describe it now, of pretty well the whole subject of good and evil, regardless of time.

...So, What you’re now describing, Nicias, won’t be a part of goodness, but goodness in its entirety...But we did say that bravery is only one of the parts of goodness.

...But what you’re now describing appears not to be so...So we’ve not discovered what bravery is, Nicias." (Laches, 198a-199e).

Aporia! What an interlocutor Socrates was. It would take me a lot of training & practice to think like this.

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Socrates was one of a kind!

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It's good that I'm brave enough to say yes to Socrates!

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