As Jeffrey says Ruth Ginsbergsaid, anger does not help. I used to have a hot temper. I forget the rubric or things I kept saying, “ like things don’t last”. Realization anger is not solving anything. Edith Stein noted “ the problem with empathy” For me. Is near impossible to be empathetic for fools.i persist in telling an older friend that facts matter he calls me leftist, woke, socialist, and liberal to describe Thomas Friedman whose opinions I enjoy but often disagree his concept of a solution to Israel- Gaza seems as cogent as any but his thought thatvDJT should have gotten Nobel prize for Abraham accords a bit far fetched I believe a Liberal good brother I liked John Locke and whatever basis for our rules. So yes it takes a moment to temper responses

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It’s amazing just how much resistance people have to the idea that anger is a destructive emotion.

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Morning my very dear friend. Off to the most important meeting of my life. You prepared me for this day. Namaste🙏🏻

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