I find Zeno's threefold division of knowledge into three interdependent parts – physics, logic and ethics – of great help in cutting through various nonsenses. And that Stoicism brings clarity and incisiveness to many of our current hot button issues. To take one current example, many will be aware of th…
I find Zeno's threefold division of knowledge into three interdependent parts – physics, logic and ethics – of great help in cutting through various nonsenses. And that Stoicism brings clarity and incisiveness to many of our current hot button issues. To take one current example, many will be aware of the Cass Report into "gender affirming care" formerly taking place at Tavistock in the UK.
Summarising under Zeno's three headings:
Logical failures
Dialectic fails on two levels:
– at the level of the child – the critical examination of the child's own diagnosis does not take place
– at the level of what explanations are acceptable – failure to take account of all relevant facts (or rather, to choose not to discover relevant facts) about the child's situation. That is, an ideology is applied.
Failures of (role) ethics
Counselling and psychiatric services are to provide therapy, not to judge and not to impose an ideology.
Failures of physics
Cass found no evidence of the effectiveness of therapies.
Very refreshing thank you Massimo!
I find Zeno's threefold division of knowledge into three interdependent parts – physics, logic and ethics – of great help in cutting through various nonsenses. And that Stoicism brings clarity and incisiveness to many of our current hot button issues. To take one current example, many will be aware of the Cass Report into "gender affirming care" formerly taking place at Tavistock in the UK.
Summarising under Zeno's three headings:
Logical failures
Dialectic fails on two levels:
– at the level of the child – the critical examination of the child's own diagnosis does not take place
– at the level of what explanations are acceptable – failure to take account of all relevant facts (or rather, to choose not to discover relevant facts) about the child's situation. That is, an ideology is applied.
Failures of (role) ethics
Counselling and psychiatric services are to provide therapy, not to judge and not to impose an ideology.
Failures of physics
Cass found no evidence of the effectiveness of therapies.
Excellent observation. I didn’t think of applying it that way. 👍🏻