Massimo, I'm happy to read, only if you promise to start bookclub reading again soon! 😂

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Coming up, near the end of August!

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I found the Michael Cheseborough NYT story disheartening and appalling--pain can certainly lead to major irrationality, but the conspiracy crap is risking ruining the society. Did I miss something?

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Nope, you didn’t miss anything. I thought it was a terribly sad example of how desperation and irrationality may go hand in hand.

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I have been living in chronic pain for half my life. My neurologist warned me that many charlatans will gravitate to me--and I believe these folks mean well. It is hard to imagine living every moment in high register pain. I know that pain is inevitable, and suffering is optional. I can live in limitless pain, but I am not suffering. I don't fear the pain, I live in agreement with my illness. I learned this by reading your oevre and Donald Robertson's, as well as the primary source material. Thank you! Books are as ameliortive as morphine.

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I'm truly sorry to hear about your chronic pain. But also glad that philosophy has been and continues to be helpful. I'm grateful for any small part I may have played in that.

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