Here is a handy list of all the posts that have appeared in The Philosophy Garden, periodically updated. They are organized by philosopher (for obvious reasons) or by the three classic topoi of logic, “physics” (i.e., science), and ethics. (Why? See here.) Other subheadings group the Ancient Wisdom for Modern Readers series, our e-books, videos, and practice sessions. Podcast episodes are listed on a separate tab. Most recent essays on top.
Use the (subtle) ToC feature on the left side of the screen (only in the desktop version, not available on mobile or in the app) to navigate to a specific section, or simply search within the page for something that interests you using a keyword. Happy reading!
NOTE: The current version of the index only covers posts published between 5 January 2024 and 9 December 2024. Check back from time to time for further updates.
Epictetus’s radical Stoicism—Part II
Epictetus’s radical Stoicism—Part I
Aristotle vs the Stoics: part II, ethics
Aristotle vs the Stoics: part I, metaphysics and logic
Logic (i.e., good reasoning)
On the worth of comedy and tragedy
It ain’t no fallacy: on living according to Nature
The Nazi problem, a Stoic take
Physics (i.e., science)
The problem with Deepak Chopra
On the Stoic God (or absence thereof)
Why Epicureans and Utilitarians are wrong: on the axiology of pain and pleasure
Ethics (i.e., good living)
Some thoughts on Effective Altruism
Stoic role ethics: a primer
The universality of virtue ethics—III—Daoism
The universality of virtue ethics—II—Confucianism
The universality of virtue ethics—I—Buddhism
Ancient Wisdom for Modern Readers
XXVII, How to do the right thing with Seneca
XXVI, How to focus with John Cassian
XXV, How to have a life with Seneca
Josiah Osgood on how to be a bad emperor
Michael Fontaine on Cicero, jokes, and grief
Vittorio Bufacchi on why Cicero matters
Richard Bett on ancient Skepticism
Don Robertson on Marcus Aurelius
Jeff Beneker on Plutarch and leadership
Mark Usher on Cynicism and how to say no
Robin Reames on the importance of rhetoric
Practice sessions
Discipline of Assent
37, Catch and examine the judgments underlying your impressions and impulses
36, Catch and apply the dichotomy of control to initial impressions
Discipline of Action
34, Care about more people (and other beings)
19, Cut out busyness
Discipline of Desire & Aversion
16, Contemplate death, and how to live
10, Act the opposite
Practice like a Stoic: Introduction
I luv me a "good" index.
Thank you, Brother.
Wow... Massimo..what a great idea. Thanks a lot 👌